Robert Howell
Robert Howell founded Restocon in 1997 combining his years of specialized industry experience with a desire to provide better construction services and quality craftsmanship. Robert has extensive experience in restoration and repair of structures across the Southeast and especially in Florida. Projects have included specialized structural repair, historic restoration, and specialized strengthening systems. He also has worked with architects, engineers, consultants, property managers, and owners across the United States.
Robert holds a State of Florida General Contractors License (CG-C057948) and a State of Florida Roofing and Waterproofing Contractors License (CC-C057569). He is also a member of the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) and Sealant, Waterproofing and Restoration Institute (SWRI).
Michael Long
Michael Long has managed major concrete repair and restoration projects in the structural restoration and waterproofing field for over 20 years. Since opening Restocon’s Houston office he has continued to grow the business in Texas and surrounding states. His experience includes the installation of specialized concrete repair mortars, carbon fiber and carbon strip installation, waterproof sealant and coating applications, epoxy resin injection systems, urethane grout systems, and expansion joint repairs.
Michael is Post Tensioning Institute Level 2 Certified and a State of Florida, Georgia, Louisiana and Arkansas General Contractor. He is a Florida Certified General Contractor (CG-C1504586), Georgia Certified General Contractor (GCCO-002678), State of Florida Certified Roofing Contractor (CCC-1329411) and State of Florida Licensed Real Estate Sales Associate (SL3183388).
Eric Blomberg
Southeast regional director
Eric Blomberg is from a construction family, having a father as a bridge builder. He has been active in the construction industry since 1981. Eric has specialized in structural concrete and masonry restoration as well as exterior building envelope waterproofing in the Midwest, Southeast, and Florida.
Eric is a 1981 graduate of Morehead State University, and is a licensed Certified General Contractor in the state of Florida. He is a member of the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI).
Gonzalo Sagastume
Corporate Operations Manager
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Terri Benjamin
Terri Benjamin has extensive experience in finance and accounting with previous positions as a senior accountant, accounting manager, and cost analyst. She has worked for a number of large firms in industries as diverse as food and beverage, distribution, and consumer products. Benjamin has a degree from the University of Phoenix.
Michael Matthews
south east regional Director
Michael Matthews brings a career of construction and industry experience to Restocon and the corporate training program. His 30 years in construction includes work on parking garages, bridges, energy plants, elevated train systems, water treatment plants, and condominiums.
MIchael’s specialty is in concrete repair and waterproofing, including work in structural re-strengthening, epoxy injection, removal and replacement of damaged structural concrete using specialized repair products and techniques, installation of specialized expansion joint systems, waterproof deck coating systems, chemical grouting, below grade waterproofing, roof coating systems and major structural concrete repairs.
Matthews is certified with the Post-Tensioning Institute, ACI Concrete Field Testing, and OSHA and is a member of the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI).
Jeromy Magill
mid-south regional director
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Robert Craft
Resource Manager
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Bill Howell
Project Manager
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James Hrybinczak
Resource Manager
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Patrick Taylor
Senior Superintendent / Project Manager
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Waylon Mclemore
Operations Manager
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Fay Claeys
Human Resources and Payroll Specialist
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Emily Long
Accounts Payable Lead
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James Wright
Accounting Manager
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