Houston Community College System

historic restoration in tampa, FL

Restoration of a historic structure in the confined setting of an urban environment requires the utmost in planning and execution. Restocon Corporation was up to the task on the Tampa Old City Hall.  The work was performed as a subcontracted partner of Walbridge Construction as construction manager. The restoration was overseen by Tampa City Architect James Jackson  along with Fleishman & Garcia Architects.  

Tampa Old City Hall was built in 1915 and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The eight-story building cost $235,000 when it was constructed. It included a four-story annex that was later demolished, according to documents filed with the Historic American Buildings Survey.  City Hall’s “layer-cake” design was created by architect M. Leo Elliot. Features include ornamental heads modeled on Seminole Indian women with braided hair.

Work included scaffolding of the entire structure, comprehensive repair and renovation of historic terra cotta surfaces, repair and cleaning of historic brick surfaces, brick repair and repointing, window lintel repair, cathodic protection and various waterproofing repairs.

Address: 315 E. Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, FL 33602